Wednesday 3 May 2017

Release Of 1st Quarter 2017 Public Housing Data - HDB

Published Date: 28 Apr 2017

            This press release provides the data for the HDB resale and rental market in 1st Quarter 2017.

HDB Resale Market

2          The Resale Price Index (RPI) fell by 0.5%, from 134.6 in 4th Quarter 2016 to 133.9 in 1st Quarter 2017 (see Annex A).

3          Resale transactions fell by 9.6%, from 5,012 cases in 4th Quarter 2016 to 4,530 cases in 1st Quarter 2017 (see Annex B).

4          The median resale prices in the various towns in 1st Quarter 2017 are tabulated in Annex C.

HDB Rental Market

5          The median subletting rents in the various towns in 1st Quarter 2017 are tabulated in Annex D

6          The number of applications approved for subletting of HDB flats fell by 6.5%, from 10,678 cases in 4th Quarter 2016 to 9,981 cases in 1st Quarter 2017 (see Annex E).  As at 31 March 2017, there were 53,360 HDB flats being sublet, an increase of 0.8% over 4th Quarter 2016 (52,941 units).

Upcoming Sales Launches

7          In May 2017, HDB will offer about 4,600 Build-To-Order (BTO) flats and about 3,000 balance flats for sale. More information on the upcoming sales exercise is available on the HDB InfoWEB. 

Source: HDB