Thursday 22 October 2015

HDB Unveils New Generation of Neighbourhood Centres - HDB

Published Date: 03 Oct 2015

    Residents in Punggol, Hougang and Sembawang can look forward to more facilities and convenience with four new neighbourhood centres coming their way. To be completed by 2020, the new generation neighbourhood centres will increase the supply of HDB shops in these towns and ensure that residents have access to adequate facilities when they move into their new homes.

2    Over the past few years, HDB, guided by its Roadmap to Better Living in HDB Towns, has been developing well-designed, sustainable and community-centric towns. In our new generation of public housing, we have applied new design ideas and concepts to provide a complete live-work-play-learn environment for residents. Within each new housing area, we aim to create a variety of distinctive districts that offer residents new housing forms, and better connectivity and convenience to amenities. Greenery and sustainable features will also be consciously incorporated into the design. In addition, there will be ample shared spaces to encourage community interaction. These new design ideas are similarly extended to our new neighbourhood centres, which are centred on four key aspects – Community, Convenience, Connectivity and Consultation.


3     Shared community spaces in HDB estates play an important role in promoting social interaction and forging community bonds among residents.  Hence, the new generation of neighbourhood centres (NCs) has been designed with ample community spaces, where residents can come together and mingle with one another. One common feature in all the four neighbourhood centres is a sheltered community plaza. Through the generous provision of such community spaces, residents can meet for daily activities or regular community events.

Convenience & Connectivity

4     The new generation NCs seek to offer residents convenient access to a wide array of commercial facilities and services, such as supermarkets, food courts, and other dining and retail outlets, when they move into their new homes, thus minimising the need for residents to travel out of their town for their daily needs.

5     Connectivity is another key feature in the new generation NCs.  All the four NCs are designed with direct connections to the transport nodes, such as an existing or upcoming MRT/LRT station, or a bus stop.  The NCs are also well-linked to their surrounding housing precincts, amenities and facilities, through a pedestrian thoroughfare. Besides enhancing connectivity, the thoroughfare serves as a continuous community spine that strings up social and community facilities such as playgrounds and fitness corners.


6     In the planning and design of the new generation NCs, HDB has also taken a fresh approach by actively consulting the public on their lifestyle needs and preferences. Focus group discussions and surveys were held with residents of various age groups on their preferences for the trade mix in the new NCs. Some residents had shared their preferences for more food and beverage outlets, as well as a supermarket with extended operating hours.  The final development takes into consideration their feedback, to create an NC with an array of amenities, retail and dining options that meets the needs of the residents.

7     The first four new generation NCs that have been designed with these new ideas and concepts are:
  1. Northshore Plaza in Punggol
  2. Oasis Terraces in Punggol
  3. Canberra Plaza in Sembawang
  4. Buangkok Square in Hougang

Upcoming New Generation Neighbourhood Centres

Northshore Plaza in Punggol

8     Located in the heart of Northshore District in Punggol Eco-Town, Northshore Plaza is the first sea-front neighbourhood centre to be built in an HDB estate. With a gross floor area of about 19,500 sqm, Northshore Plaza will house a supermarket, food courts, restaurants, shops, childcare centres and enrichment centres. It is expected to be completed in 2020.

Northshore Plaza will be the first seafront neighbourhood centre in an HDB estate

9     Beyond the commercial facilities, Northshore Plaza is also designed with a comprehensive network of community spaces that enhances accessibility. The Community Spine provides a seamless connection from Samudera LRT Station to the adjacent housing precincts, as well as to the Punggol Promenade, allowing convenient and sheltered access to the waterfront. The two-level Community Spine, which is lined with commercial facilities, offers residents a waterfront shopping experience, even as it provides seamless and convenient connectivity.

The two-level Community Spine seamlessly connects Samudera LRT Station to Punggol Promenade.  
It is lined with commercial facilities that offer residents a waterfront shopping experience.
The Community Spine looks out to a lush Common Green, creating a conducive community space for social interaction.

10     Located in Punggol Northshore, the first “Smart and Sustainable District” in Singapore, Northshore Plaza is also a testbed for Smart technologies such as Smart fans, lighting, carpark monitoring system and pneumatic waste collection system.  More details on the design of Northshore Plaza can be found at Annex.

Oasis Terraces in Punggol 

11     Located next to Oasis LRT station, Oasis Terraces is situated along the Punggol Waterway. It will house one of the largest polyclinics in Singapore – Punggol Polyclinic – operated by SingHealth. With a gross floor area of about 27,400 sqm, Oasis Terraces will also house a supermarket, food courts, restaurants, shops, childcare centres and enrichment centres. It is expected to be completed in 2018.  Please refer to the Annex for more details on the design of Oasis Terraces.

Oasis Terraces offers a one-stop location for key amenities
Canberra Plaza in Sembawang

12     With a gross floor area of about 11,000 sqm, the three-storey Canberra Plaza presents a one-stop destination for residents, with communal facilities such as an event plaza and a water playground for the children, as well as a supermarket, food courts, restaurants, clinics, and enrichment centres right at their doorstep. Canberra Plaza is also designed to provide direct access to the upcoming Canberra MRT station and seamless connectivity to housing precincts across Canberra Way. It is expected to be completed in 2019. More details on the design of Canberra Plaza can be found at Annex.

The three-storey Canberra Plaza will be a one-stop destination providing communal and commercial amenities for residents
Buangkok Square in Hougang

13     With a gross floor area of about 7,900 sqm, Buangkok Square will be a central focal point of the upcoming housing parcels in Hougang Neighbourhood 9. Its design capitalizes on its unique site terrain, as residents are ushered in from the higher north end of the development through a shopping mall to the community plaza. The community plaza is integrated with its adjacent neighbourhood park, providing more opportunities for community bonding and interaction. Buangkok Square is expected to be completed in 2018. Please refer to the Annex for more details on the design of Buangkok Square.

Buangkok Square is integrated with its adjacent neighbourhood park, offering more opportunities for community bonding.

14     As the planning and design of public housing continues to evolve in tandem with the changing demographics and lifestyle trends of our residents, HDB will continue to explore innovative ideas to provide residents with a quality living environment and build cohesive towns and communities.
Source: HDB